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A topic I write a lot about and take a LOT of grief for is our “psychobabble saturated culture.”

Below is an excerpt from an article where someone agrees with me (that’s one) and using a different angles makes some very good points.  It’s funny how the world is waking up to how out-of-control and ludicrous the “psychobabblizing of America” (made that up, I think) has become and yet, typically, the Church is a decade behind culture, embracing and promoting it more than ever. Sigh…

Friends, the Apostle James in the Bible (who would be very unwelcome in most colleges and many churches) tells us very clearly where bad behavior, character flaws and fault come from: they are conceived from the desires of YOUR heart, cultivated and nourished by indulgence, and finally “grow up” into our manifested sinful actions, choices, words and decisions (read James 1).  The “psychologicalizingizationism” (yes, I made that one up too, unless someone else did 🙂 ) of human behavior seeks to excuse sin, confuse solutions for it and increase anxiety in those dealing with.

The faster Christianity dumps humanistic, Bible-defying, God-denying psychotherapy the better (and yes, in it’s foundation and founders, it denies God. If you don’t understand that you either 1) don’t know your Bible, 2) don’t know the history of humanistic psychotherapy or 3) have  just never been challenged to consider it). That won’t happen anytime soon though as long as we are churning out soft-degreed-psychology-Christian-College-neophyte-idealists-graduates  faster than a toddler grins after a tempter tantrum gets them their way.  Every time I write something on this, I get a psychology major (or several) commenting on how they “KNOW” that some of this stuff is really true and while they agree with me (sometimes), I shouldn’t dismiss all of humanist psychology.

After all, [some/most/all] of it MUST be TRUE… or they’ve wasted 4 years and a $100,000.  For that dilemma, I genuinely sympathize with them. It would be a tough pill swallow (and most never will unless they end up doing something else professionally and it doesn’t cost them their income).


By John Rosemond

Today’s parents — and especially those in the educated class who consume parenting information via newspaper columns, books, and seminars – tend toward what I call “psychological thinking.” They assign psychological meaning and significance to any behavior on the part of their children that is the least bit out of kilter. So, for example, a somewhat clingy preschool child isn’t simply introverted; rather, the child is insecure and needing additional attention because a younger sibling came along before she was able to completely work through toddler dependency issues and blah blah blah. Thus, something that is no big deal becomes a big deal.

The psychological interpretation mystifies the child’s behavior, raises the parent’s anxiety level, and generates responses that are not only confusing to the child but also make the problem — if in fact the behavior in question is problematic to begin with – much, much worse.

This came to mind recently when a mother asked me to help her figure out why her 3-year-old is throwing wild tantrums and what to do about them. She said, “You probably need to know that she’s adopted.” I needed to know this because several adoption specialists had informed said Mom that adopted children were burdened by unique “bonding issues” that engendered confusion, insecurity, anger, fear of rejection, and other forms of psychological angst. Therefore, adopted children need to be treated with kid gloves, which Mom was dutifully doing.

I stopped her and said, “Your daughter is throwing tantrums for the same reason non-adopted children throw tantrums.”

“Which is?” she asked, somewhat taken aback.

“You are not obeying her properly.”

It doesn’t matter what the child’s history or circumstances, all tantrums are equal. They are expressions of what I call “The Almighty I Am” — the belief, shared by every child, that he/she is the only fish in the pond of any significance and that everyone else – parents especially — exists solely to serve.

I asked, “Do you think it’s good for your daughter to believe that it’s your duty to obey her?” She answered correctly — her first step toward parental rehabilitation.

As long as her daughter’s high-self-esteem seizures were the expression of psychological commotion, Mom’s ability to deal effectively with them was paralyzed. In fact, the commotion was primarily in Mom’s head, not her daughter’s. Released from the bondage of psychobabble, Mom is now able to give said seizures their due – which is to say, nothing.

Note: this came to me originally in a Berean Call email. Visit their site at