The Pursuit of God – Part 11

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)I Cor. 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. One of the greatest hindrances to internal peace which the Christian encounters is the common habit of...

The Pursuit of God – Part 10

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Matt.5:5A Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. A fairly accurate description of the human race might be furnished one unacquainted with it by taking the Beatitudes, turning them wrong...

The Pursuit of God – Part 9

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Ps. 57:5 Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth. It is a truism to say that order in nature depends upon right relationships; to achieve harmony each thing must be...

The Pursuit of God – Part 8

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Heb.12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Let us think of our intelligent plain man mentioned in chapter six coming for the first time to the reading of the Scriptures. He approaches...

The Pursuit of God – Part 7

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. An intelligent plain man, untaught in the truths of Christianity, coming upon this text, would likely conclude that...