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Psalm 19:11b – … And in keeping them there is great reward. (NKJV)

How does this kind of life sound to you?

  • Refreshed and re-energized
  • Full of wisdom
  • Joyful
  • Pure and enlightened
  • Consistent and righteous
  • Rewarding and fulfilled

Is it possible? Or is this the dream of the “rah-rah, positive thinking” motivation crowd (and some churches!) that gets you all hyped up for a few days, then “reality” comes home to roost with a vengeance? Or maybe this life is reserved for your Pastor and other “super Christians”.

Well someone should have told King David because He didn’t not specify any exclusions when he wrote Psalm 19, an incredible, flowing poem about man and nature. He tells us that all creation reveals the nature of the Lord, and that turning to God, obeying His commandments and confessing our sin leads to the kind of life that for most is conceptual at best.

David didn’t write theory, he wrote about experience.

Throughout verses 7-11 we are promised wonderful blessings… but as you could predict, it’s on God’s terms, not ours. And good thing too. If God left it to us to determine what constitutes happiness and fulfillment in life, we would mess it up, GUARANTEED.

Over the next few days we are going to look at five rewards or blessings that are available for each one of us who have trusted in the risen Savior:

  1. Refreshment or restoration
  2. Wisdom
  3. Joy
  4. Purity and enlightenment
  5. And finally consistency and righteousness.

Psalm 19:10 – More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. (NKJV)

How valuable and enjoyable are the things we will discuss? Well, unless God lied to us, they are more valuable than not just gold, but “fine gold” and sweeter than sugar or honey which in David’s time would have been one of the most pleasing tastes available. Each of these five things are the result of something else that God has made available for our discovery. Over the next five days, we will try to mine out the riches God has for us in this Psalm.

Holy, God, You have written for us great riches that lead to a happy and fulfilled life. Help us to discover the treasures that come by reading Your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Contemplation: In the privacy of your own heart, is your life refreshing? Full of wisdom and joy? Is it pure and consistently righteous? Do you even believe it is possible?

Application: This type of life is not a “holy grail”, a myth that can be conceptualized but never attained. God has laid out the “terms and conditions” very plainly for us in His Word. It is only for us to read it, believe it, and obey it for the blessings to become ours. Are you ready?.

  1. What is the most obvious Bible truth you have learned today?
  2. What change in your life needs to be made concerning this truth?
  3. What specific thing will you do today to begin that change?
