How can I be a good Christian father? What does the Bible say about parenting?
Well, I don’t typically answer a question by simply pointing to someone else’s book, but it is by far the best way I can help you.
First, my good friend, John Barnett, writes a wonderful book on how to have a Christian Family. He’s got a bucket load of kids himself, and his life is a living example of honoring God through your family. His book:
The Joy of a Word Filled Family – you can buy it off the site here. Be sure to visit his website too at
Another book that really gets to the true heart of parenting is Shepherding a Child’s Heart. This book does what most other parenting books don’t and that is teach you that parenting is not just about the discipline or teaching, it’s about understanding that a child’s behavior stems from the condition of their heart. You can get that book here.
Two more… I would highly recommend How to Bring Your Children to Christ..& Keep Them There: Avoiding the Tragedy of False Conversion by Ray Comfort (purchase here) and John MacArthur’s What The Bible Says About Parenting Biblical Principle For Raising Godly Children (purchase here).
I could write you one answer here, but getting these books will give you years of good advice and Godly direction.