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I understand that there are four types of love expressed in the Bible. Agape, Eros, Philio and some other one I can’t remember. Can you explain them?


Yes, there are four: Agape, Eros, Philo and the one you can’t remember is Storge. Here are some basic definitions:

Agape – agape is the noun and agapao, the verb form of this word, speaks of Godly love. It is the type of love that comes from God or because of God and is outside of circumstance or human determination. This type of love is not spoken about in secular literature because it is a concept it starts with God and depend on God. Agape love is a love that is chosen, applied an exercise by God towards humans strictly as a manifestation of his will and attributes. It is a type of love practice between humans in response to how God commands us to love each other. It is a word that has special significance for New Testament Christians as it is especially indicative of Christ’s love shown by his sacrifice on the cross for our sins. The writers of the Septuagint use the noun 20 times in the verb over 250 times replacing the Hebrew word “hesed” (lovingkindness) with agape, a word they had to create to convey the concept of a agape love.

Eros – Eros is the name of the Greek god of love and is the word used for physical, sensual and sexual love. We derive our word “erotic” from it and does not appear in the New Testament. Interestingly, this is the most common form of love that you will find in a society that is moving away from Godly standards or has already departed them.

Philo – Philo is a general term for affection for attraction between people not taking into account relationships. It can be used in a general way such as “the love of God’s Word” and we take its meaning in such words like Philadelphia “the city of brotherly love”. 2Peter 2:17; Colossians 2:8

Storge– Storge is a familial type of love such as parents to children, subject to royalty or perhaps even how a pet loves its master. The positive form can carry a meaning like devotion or dedicated in the negative form can communicate the concepts of heartless or without love. Romans 12:10; Romans 1:31; 2Timothy 3:3