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(Abby slept peacefully after a very rough procedure on Friday that left her in much pain.)

“Hell”… that is the word Abby’s doctor used to describe the 60 days of treatment that starts on Wednesday.

Lamentations 3:22-23 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

As Christians, we cringe a little to compare anything in this life to the real Biblical Hell, but we understand what the Doctor is trying to communicate. This is a life-threatening, miserable time of suffering for Abby. Her smallest chance of survival will come during this phase of chemotherapy, and if she does get through it, she may have to do it twice.

Over the next few days leading up to her first treatment, we’ll be asking you to consider various ways to prayer, and ways to include more people in Abby’s prayer support. Here are a couple for today:

  • Would you remember to pray for Abby on Wednesday, the 14th as she begins this new phase?
  • Would you email your friends and family, ask them to:
  • If you know of other prayer groups, walls, chains, lists, websites, etc. would you sign up or include Abby in them?

We are truly a grateful to all our friends and family who have stood by us during this difficulty. No matter what happens, we trust God, and His will be done.

If you have any ideas how we can involve more people in praying for Abby, please email me and let us know.