Hebrews 12:2 …looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (NKJV)
Father of Salvation,
You have drawn me to the cross of Your Son where I throw down all of my burdens and watch them vanish under the crimson blood;
Where the mountains of my guilt and shame are swept away by the river of atonement;
Where my sins, though they are many and awful, disappear into the depths of Christ’s sacrifice;
Where my transgressions are remembered no more even while they number more than the grains of sand in a desert;
For there is power in the soul cleansing blood of Jesus Christ to pay for yet one more sin than man is capable of committing.
You have given the river of life that washes clear and spotless;
And though I wade into the midst of it covered in the filth of sin,
I will emerge from the crystal waters pure and white as new snow.
At the cross of Jesus there is freedom from sin for the humble and poor in spirit;
There is abundant blessing for the repentant and obedient.
The blood of the Lamb of God flows in a great river of infinite grace without so much as a drop of its fullness being diminished no matter how many wash and drink of it.
Lord Jesus, immeasurable is the fountain of forgiveness that flows from the first drop of Your priceless shed blood;
In the midst of this world of pain and sorrow, You are worthy of praise; a song of joy for all the earth; a heavenly anthem sung through the ages;
Your love and virtue unequaled and unchallenged.My heart longs to be in heaven with You;
To sing with the multitudes the New Song of the Lamb;
For how can I love the dust of this earth when You are not walking on it?
And though for a short while longer even while weak and weary, I will linger in this world and go on singing about my Lord;
The Lily of the Valley; the Rose of Sharon;
The Prince of Peace; the Rock of Ages;
My Jesus I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
And until that day when I fall down and sing at the feet of the Spotless Lamb;
My heart will not depart from the foot of the Cross
Down which the cleansing blood of my salvation freely flowed.
Contemplation: Have you ever written down everything Jesus has done for you? How would you feel towards a friend or family member that saved your life at the cost of their own? Do any of those feelings exist for the One who has saved you from eternal punishment at the cost of His own life?
Application: The depth of our spiritual life is proportionate to our understanding of what was accomplished on our behalf by the willing sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Study, learn and write down what Jesus did for you through His shed blood. Write it down again and again and again until it can freely flow from your mouth in praise and testimony for those around you to hear.
- What is the most obvious Bible truth you have learned today?
- What change in your life needs to be made concerning this truth?
- What specific thing will you do today to begin that change?