Psalm 33:15 He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. (NKJV)
Psalm 33:15 He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. (NKJV)
I’m often amazed to know that God really does know “me”. Somehow, God is able to give His full attention to each and every individual person.
In the same way that we cannot fathom Jesus being fully God and fully man, we cannot begin to understand how God can know each and every one of the billions of people that have ever existed; and not just know about them, but know them fully. He knows us individually in totality. God doesn’t just take a quick look at us, He knows all our works, thought, actions and moments. All of them. Wow. And scary.
In the same way that we cannot fathom Jesus being fully God and fully man, we cannot begin to understand how God can know each and every one of the billions of people that have ever existed; and not just know about them, but know them fully. He knows us individually in totality. God doesn’t just take a quick look at us, He knows all our works, thought, actions and moments. All of them. Wow. And scary.
It both thrills me and terrifies me to think that God is fully attentive to every single thing about me. Every thought I have. Every decision I make. Every failure, every victory. Every gripe, every joy. Every good work, every sin.
Even the fearful prospect of knowing God considers my selfishness, laziness and sin is not enough to make me wish that we served a God whose attention must be begged and hoped for. Unlike the gods of this world who must be manipulated and appeased, the God of Heaven and Earth is a personal God. The God of the Bible is the only God who comes looking for us (because, of course, He is the only God that actually exists). Every other “god” must be searched out, found and their blessing earned.
Psalm 33:13-15 The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks On all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. (NKJV)
The Lord sees ALL the sons of men. Good or bad, holy or wicked, saved or lost… God sees every single person. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, or even believe in Him… God sees you. In His infinite power and presence He sees all the inhabitants of earth and time in full, equally, at all moments. Notice what is says – it’s fascinating:
Psalm 33:15 He fashions their hearts individually…
God fashions our hearts. He makes us individually. He uniquely creates each and every person in such a way to enjoy all of eternity with Him to the fullest – providing we accept the gift of eternal life on His terms.
It’s very fashionable today in Christianity to preach and teach about God’s “purpose” for you, and appeal to your sense of uniqueness. It’s very alluring to talk about how special you are and how God has an individual plan just for you. You, you, you…. you. Notice a pattern?
We must teach the whole truth:
God has a purpose for each of us, yes,
but it is only for those who are genuinely saved.
The sad thing is, the message is true… but incomplete. The problem with today’s “social Gospel” is that we appeal to mankind with all these good and Biblical ideas… but stop short of telling them about their sinfulness and man’s headlong march to eternal damnation. The “needs based”, “seeker friendly” and “emerging” churches use the very comforting, and true, concepts of uniqueness and God’s individual purpose and plan for each of us to draw people in based primarily on the idea that “Jesus will improve your life”. Everyone wants the blessings of being in God’s family but to teach the blessing without revealing the “flip side” (sin, repentance, etc) is to dangle the proverbial carrot.
Jesus can’t improve your life until He saves it (and that “improvement” is not always an improvement of circumstances). He can’t save your life until you recognize your need for a Savior. You don’t need a Savior if you don’t you are in trouble and need to be rescued. You don’t know you are in trouble until you understand what you’re in trouble about.
God knows each of us individually – saved or lost. He sees all our works – those of the righteous and those of the wicked.
For the lost, it is a terrifying thing but your only single source of hope as well. For the saved, it is both wonderful and fearful. Fearful in the sense that we know God sees us when we willingly choose to sin. Wonderful in that we know we are never alone, and that every moment has a purpose.
Because I am saved, and my faith is fully in God and the gift of eternal life through Jesus, I am GLAD that God is personal. I’m glad He looks down and sees me. In fact, if I would learn to keep that fact more “front and center” in my life, I might be a lot less prone to sin and failure.
How about you? Are you glad God knows you individually? Have you considered what He fashioned you for? Or are you lost and hope that God does NOT see you?
Lord God, help us to know that You see us each individually, fully. Help us to know that we are fashioned by You and that purpose and meaning can be found only in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Application: God sees us all individually. He fashioned us individually. We each have a specific purpose and role in God’s plan. These are wonderful truths that must not be presented ALONE but with the equal truths about sin and judgment. We do NO favor to anyone by presenting only a “Jesus will improve your life” Gospel without the message of repentance, sin and hell. God see us each individually and has fashioned us with His own hands. A wonderful truth.
James 1:22 – But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (NKJV)
- What is the most obvious Bible truth you have learned today?
- What change in your life needs to be made concerning this truth?
- What specific thing will you do today to begin that change?