A honest prayer to live like a Christian
Author of the universe, source of all blessing,
I worship you for giving me the ability to know You;
For giving me the power to think
and know right from wrong;
For giving me a desire to love You.
I praise You for revealing Yourself to me through the Gospel of your Beloved Son,
For showing mercy on me when needed;
For giving me peace;
For your patience and kindness towards me;
For the great amount of love You show to me.
You have allowed me to understand how sinners can be forgiven;
How the unholy can be made clean;
And how the poor are made rich.
Let me always be part of those folks who not only hear You, but know You as well;
Who walk with You and have Joy;
Who trust Your Word and find life in It.
Keep me always wanting the new and fresh presence of the Holy Spirit;
The joy and comfort,
Grace and blessings,
And for help to understand my obligations
as a Christian as well as my privileges.
Teach me to love simplicity and Godly character.
Help me not to be a hypocrite, to be the same person whether in front of You, or men;
To be Godly before I claim to be Godly;
To put off the world before putting on God;
To set my hopes on things above;
To forsake worthless and immoral things;
To give out grace as well as accept it;
To bear hard times and enjoy good ones;
To do good even in the face of evil.
Lord God, cause me to walk worthy as Christian,
That the name of Jesus will be seen in me, and I in him;
And that all the glory will go to the One in Whose Blessed Name we pray,