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In part one of this article we learned that Desire = Discipline. We discovered that a person’s true desire is only as great as the discipline they are willing to put forth to achieve the desire.

It is very simple and easy for someone to say “I wish I had my own home-based business”. Anyone can say that. Anyone can wish for that but it is only the person who is willing to discipline themselves and do what is necessary to actually create a home-based business that truly has an authentic desire.

So what does “focus” have to do with it? Focus is the difference between productive discipline and wasted discipline. Focus is the difference between wasted time and results producing time.

Focus is what allows a person to measure each and every action against the objective. Learn to ask yourself at any given moment, “is what I am doing right now moving me one step closer to the desire?”. If the answer to that is yes, then asked the second question, “is what I am doing right now moving me towards the desire faster than anything else I could be doing right now?”

Focus is what keeps you from wasting discipline. Focus is the difference between spinning your wheels and winning the race. Focus is the difference between almost succeeding and actually succeeding. Focus is the difference between meandering your way to a goal in the shortest possible distance between today and achieving your desire.

This is not a hard concept to understand but it is a very difficult concept to live by. It means that we have to be honest about what we’re doing and why we are doing. It means that we have to be diligent to ask the “focus question” about everything we are doing. It means that we have to be honest about whether or not we have an authentic desire which is evidenced by discipline and control by focus, or just a feel-good desire meant to impress others (or ourselves).

Remember, a true desire is only as true as the amount of discipline you are willing to employ to achieve that desire. Your discipline his most productive and effective when it is laser focused. To focus means to evaluate every task and effort to see if it is taking you one step closer to the desire at the fastest possible rate.