Day and night our Yours; heaven and earth declare Your Glory.
I am a creature made through Your power and riches, but I have sinned against you by resisting the conviction of my conscience; ignoring the demands of your law and the call of Your Gospel; but I am fortunate to live in the era of grace and mercy.
Deliver me from worldly tendencies, for I am born of God and destined for Glory. Fix my gaze and desire on Holiness as the source of beauty and dignity for my soul.
Let me be always on guard and never lose my assurance or fail to put on my spiritual armor when living in this evil world. Make me ready for every situation and circumstance.
Fix my mind on You and turn my trials into blessings so that I may respond in gratitude and praise when you reveal the purpose and result of suffering in my life.
Make it a joy and pleasure to obey Your Holy Will. Let all my beliefs by guided by Your clear and consistent Truth. Don’t let me ever neglect part of Your Will, or think that part of it is not as valuable as others. May I keep in mind all the doctrines of God and the Gospel loving both its commands and its promises.
Make me holy in every relationship, every position and every act of my life so that if I am successful I will not be overly exalted, or if I suffer I will not be overly sorrowful.
Give me Godly wisdom in all that happens to me and give me strength to have an attitude that renders every thing I must do a Godly privilege.
Let me be content to glorify You and be a Godly example to others.
Inspired by faithful saints, primarily Puritans, these prayers have been written, or re-written in modern English by author, G. Brent Riggs; and at times loosely follow the flow of thought from prayers found in a variety resources including but not limited to:
Richard Baxter, The Saints Rest; Arthur Bennett, Valley of Vision; John Bunyan, Grace Abounding; Philip Doddridge, The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul; Christmas Evans, Life of Christmas Evans; William Jay, Prayers for the Use of Families; Henry Law, Family Prayers; William Romaine, The Walk of Faith; Thomas Shepard, Works; Charles Spurgeon, The Pastor in Prayer; Augustus Toplady, Works; Thomas Watson, The Lord’s Prayer; Isaac Watts, Works; William Williams; and some original prayers by the Author, G. Brent Riggs