Mark 10:17 Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (NKJV)
Often, we don’t ask God life changing questions like “which choice should I make?” or “what do you require of me?” or “what do you want me to do with my life?” because we are afraid we won’t get the answer we want. C’mon… admit it. Tell me it doesn’t scare you sometimes to ask God:
- What/who do you want me to give up?
- How do you want me to use my time?
- How do you want me to spend my money?
- What about my life do you want me to change?
- What income would you like me to be satisfied with?
- Do you want me to rejoice in these tough circumstances?
Scares me. If it doesn’t scare you, I need you to write some devotionals for me.
The Rich Young Ruler in Mark, chapter 10, dared to ask Jesus a life-altering question. His life was in pretty good shape, so apparently he was confident he would hear an answer that fit right in with what he already had planned.
- “Lord, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
- Jesus told him, “Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Do not defraud,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’
- Whew…what a relief. The young man had already done all those things. He got the response he was looking for… but Jesus wasn’t finished.
- “Oh, there’s one more thing: sell everything you have and follow me”. Wrong answer. And probably the last time he ever dared to ask Jesus “what must I do…?”.
It is a quite a pickle to know we SHOULD ask God “what must I do?” but know full well we might not get the answer we are looking for. It is a fearsome thing to know we should ask God “what must I do?” knowing that we might have to change, give up or redirect that which WE want most for ourselves.
- “Lord, what must I do with my life?”
- “I want you to move here, take this job, make a modest income, serve this community and work to build a strong Christian community in this location.”
- Drats… I wanted to live in the city, make a ton of money at this other business, live an affluent lifestyle, retire at 40 and relax.
- “Lord, what must I do about this person?”
- “Forgive them, put the past behind, make time to help them, bless them when they curse you.”
- Oh man… I was hoping you would say “call down fire and brimstone on them, and be ready to say ‘God is not mocked’ as soon as calamity crushes their life”. I don’t want to forgive them. I should have never asked.
What are you afraid to ask God today? Are you afraid to ask His will about money, marriage, contentment, career, relationships, time? Are you afraid He might say “turn off the TV”, “quit wasting money on more ‘stuff'”, or “go ask for forgiveness”?
What are you afraid to ask God today?
Whatever question you are afraid to ask God, because you might not get the answer you want… that is probably the very thing that is putting distance between you and God. You might not get the answer you want, or expect… but you’ll always get the RIGHT answer. So what is there to be scared of?
Do you want to know what my question is today? “God, will my little Abby die from Leukemia?” So far, that answer has been “no”, but should God answer differently, I still know it is the RIGHT answer, so I have nothing to fear. I’ve asked God without expecting a predetermined answer. He will answer rightly.
Lord God, help us to have the courage to ask, not afraid of Your answer but with full confidence You always give the RIGHT answer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
- What is the most obvious Bible truth you have learned today?
- What change in your life needs to be made concerning this truth?
- What specific thing will you do today to begin that change?