Independence Day – 9 Guidelines From Paul – Part 4

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. (NKJV)Practicing Christian liberty is neither license (“I’m free to do whatever I feel like”) or legalism...

Independence Day – Decisions Decisions – Part 3

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. (NKJV)When you are looking at a decision that falls within the realm of your Christian liberty, it is helpful to have some established (in...

Independence Day – To Liberty Or Not To Liberty – Part 2

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. (NKJV)When talking about Christian liberty, one of the most common questions is “how do you know what falls into liberty, and what...

Independence Day – Part 1

(Click here to search for all the posts in this series…)Psalm 119:45 And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. (NKJV)As July 4th – Independence Day, Liberty Day, Freedom Day – approaches in America, I find myself with mixed emotions. On...

Who Killed Jesus

Luke 23:24 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (NKJV) Who killed Jesus? You did. I did. The Romans. The Jews. Religion. Everyone. No one. Recently, I heard yet another silly human documentary on “who really killed...