James 2:14-20 – Dead vs. Living Faith

Preached at Straightway Bible Church on March 17th, 2013.  Below you will find the study notes I handed out. James shows us that their is a type of faith and belief that is dead and does not save. (Click here to see the entire series of “The Book of James...

James 1:19-27 – Practical Christian Living

Preached at Straightway Bible Church on March 10th, 2013.  Below you will find the study notes I handed out. James lays out much practical instruction on how to live the Christian life. (Click here to see the entire series of “The Book of James – Practical...

James 1:5 – Get All the Wisdom You Want

Preached at Straightway Bible Church on February 24th, 2013.  Below you will find the study notes I handed out. God gives us a plain and clear promise we can have all the wisdom we want.  Do you know how to get it? (Click here to see the entire series of “The...