Intelligent Designer Needed for Advanced Robot

Intelligent Designer Needed Okay… so let me see if I understand this correctly.  It takes the smartest technology guys on the planet and hundreds of millions of dollars of research, equipment and design to create a remarkable human-like robot… and even...

Our Tornado Story Today

We are getting a lot of inquiries, people wanting to make sure we are okay concerning the killer tornado today.  We are, thank you for caring. First, our home is about 15 miles south of where the big Moore tornado hit today, and 45 minutes north or so of the other...

My Son The Jerk

A reader asks: How do I give my twenty-something year old son an ultimatum when I know it isn't totally his fault that he is acting the way he is?  What I want to say to him is this: "Either participate in our family unit or don't expect anymore...

My Wayward Son

  A reader asks: My twenty-something son has been married a couple of years.  Now he says he should have never married.  He failed to tell us of an affair he was having that started online. His Christian wife is devastated and tried to work to save...

Begin Today

I love new beginnings. I love that we have lots of places on the clock and calendar we can begin new. A new day. A new hour. A new week, a new month, a new year. Today is August 1st, the first day fo a new month. What a great excuse to begin again. Start something new...